Francisco Xavier Ferrán has a degree in Economics. I have specialized in the field of International Business with an MBA at Barna Business School in conjunction with the University of Barcelona, Spain. Based on his knowledge of him, he worked for three years as an executive in Citibank Santo Domingo. He currently has a 10-year career in Grupo Puntacana, a conglomerate with over 50 years track record pioneering the tourism industry in the eastern region of the Dominican Republic.
Birth: Francisco Ferrán is a native of the Dominican Republic’s capital, the city of Santo Domingo. Born August 8th 1987.
Favorite Books:
The Greatest Miracle in the World– Og Mandino
Purple Cows – Seth Godin
21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership – John Maxwell
Be Obsessed or Be Average – Grant Cardone
Hobbies: Traveling to new destinations, reading, practicing soccer and watching tennis – especially when Roger Federer is playing.
Francisco is one of the official real estate agents of Puntacana Resort & Club with more than a decade managing and helping hundreds of people to find their second home in the Caribbean. Francisco is also an investor, businessman, and public speaker.
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